Thanks so much to Kat for this sweet award. Anytime someone passes one on to me I really am very humbled. I really don't think there is anything special here but I am having fun blogging and I am soooo enjoying getting to know so many people with so many different talents and interests. Thanks again Kat.
I also received this wonderful box of goodies that I won at Antique Paperie. I couldn't believe how much was in that box. It is always fun to get stuff in the mail. So thank you for all the wonderful things you sent Sherry.
Gotta go and get ready to watch the Memphis Tigers play Basketball.It is so exciting that they are ranked number 1 right now. I remember when they were number 1 in 1983(I was still in high school), when Keith Lee, and Andre Turner played for them. Those names will mean nothing to some of ya'll but those of you who know them I am sure you remember that team. Fun times at the Mid-South Coliseum. :)
EDIT: We won 89 Memphis 77 Houston Go Tigers!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Fun stuff/Go Tigers!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Are you really sick??
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
drip, drip, drip, drip, drip
It is rainy and very cold. It began raining last night and every once in a while I would wake up in the middle of the night to a drip that was right outside my bedroom window, of course it had to be the one closest to my side of the bed too. It would take me a while to fall back asleep and then I would stir and once again hear, drip, drip, drip. It was the most annoying noise, an almost drive you insane kind of sound. It was constant, it was predictable in the timing of the drip, it was loud some times and soft other times but it was there and I was growing increasingly frustrated with it. As I was reading my bible a few minutes ago in my room where the drip is still present, I came across the following verse in Proverbs, 27:15-16
A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand.
Can I get an OUCH!!! Wow I really never liked this verse before in fact if the truth be told I just skimmed over it VERY quickly when ever I saw it but today was different. As I sat on my bed experiencing the constant, insistant, drip I became very overwhelmed with conviction from the Lord about my attituted toward my husband. If I annoy him like this drip has annoyed me for a few short hours then he should be in a home somewhere very far from me and my at times "dripping" attitude!!(especially after 20 years of marriage!) Dont' ya just love a timely word from our Lord???
Lord, Thank you for my husband. Help me be an encourager and respecter of my husband and not drown him with a constant annoying dripping attitude.
Edit::: My sweet husband emailed this to me from work after he read this post:
You are not a leaky faucet----just the best wife/friend in the world.........
Thanks sweetie!!! You know you made me cry!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snoring, Swollen face, and a Profound statement!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
A funny an award and a thought
In her own words:
"So here's to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog."
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A little reflection
Expectations..... When you are a young girl you expect to grow up and get married and have no problems because after all you married the perfect prince charming right?.... When you get married you expect to have kids....(Not lose 3 babies before you were able to hold them.) oh... and of course they will be kids that will do everything you say with a "yes mother dear" at the end of every request. Years down the road you just expect to be the same weight you were when you got married because that is how it is on T.V.(hehe) You expect to have friends and always get along... Even as a grown woman you expect to be liked because after all you are a nice person right??Reality check...Does our reality ever match up with our expectations???? I don't know about yours but mine don't. Oh don't get me wrong sometimes they seem to but in all reality I just set myself up time after time to be let down because I allow the enemy to decieve me into thinking that my expectations should be anywhere but on the Father above. He really is very crafty and deceitful isn't he? I don't know about you but this year I am impressed to let everyone off the "hook" of my expectations. They cannot meet them just as I cannot meet theirs. The father is the only one who can fulfill my every need. This also brings to mind the question, "What motivates me?" Why do I do the things that I do or don't do? Is it to impress someone? undermine someone? Do I have quiet time to check it off my list? Do I talk to my children and husband in the same manner at home and in public? Do I go to church because the bible tells us not to forsake the fellowship with other christians or do I go because I have to check it off the list as well? Do I believe that the bible is the inspired word of God and that He loves me all the time or only when I am "good" and things are going my way? These (and more) are all questions that I have been asking myself today. I want to be REAL not just when it is convienent or easy I want to be REAL all the time.
Holy Father, I am asking you to teach me to be REAL. Not hypocritical, judegmental, or have a holier than thou attitude. I want people to see me and know that I live for you please teach me how. I love people so much and want to be liked so much please change my attitude to care more about what you think about me than anyone else and to do all things unto you not men.
Thanks for allowing me to think out loud.