I have a lot to post so you might need a cup of tea or coke or something. Sit down and stay a while......and try to focus or I will lose you. This post will be a real writer's worst nightmare.(hehe)
First- On Friday April 11th I had Carson's haircut. It needed it but it was exactly one week before his Kindergarten graduation pictures and I did not want that brand new haircut look for his pictures so thinking ahead I scheduled the appointment and his hair looked adorable. Fast forward to Thursday April 17th. The day before his pictures. On the way to school he begins to cry with a tooth-ache. I knew we had been recently so the tooth could not be too bad but I assured him I would take him to the dentist after school.(He only goes 1/2 day so I new he would be okay) We go to the dentist and the tooth turned out to be abscessed! He had to have it pulled and had to have an impression for a space maintainer. We left the appointment and hurried to big brother, Chandler's soccer game where Carson began to play with other children and I did not give him a second thought until it was time to leave and he comes around the corner with a big fat lip. Now I worked as a dental assistant in a children's dentist office for 10 years and I always reminded children not to bite their lips or cheeks after dental work because they were numb and could do a lot of damage since they couldn't feel it. What a bad mom I am, not only did I not mention it.. It didn't even occur to me. Oh well needless to say, his hair looked great for his pictures but his lip.... not so much. I must say though that I have matured because had it been my first child I would have been calling the school trying to reschedule the pictures and I would have been all upset. This time I thought oh well we will look back at these pictures and remember a crazy day. All Carson cared about was that he made the 2008 lost tooth poster in his class! I have to add that I walked into the bathroom the morning of his pictures and he was laying his lip on the bathroom scale... I inquired what's up and he let me know that he was trying to lose lip weight.. (I am quite sure he was confused about how the scale works) MMMM don't people pay alot of money to have lip weight added???????
Second- My in-laws recently came back from a two week trip to Hawaii. I had only one request and that was to please bring me a pineapple. My parents lived there for 10 years and I had eaten plenty pineapple thanks to our 3 visits and my parents bringing some to us when they visited. Making a short story much longer here... the bottom line is the pineapple was carried into our home, cut with our special pineapple cutter, and devoured. All this took place in about 10 minutes. Yippee!!! I just love fresh pineapple it was so good! Thanks Mom and Dad!!
And Yes we always cut things without a cutting board and with our children on the counter don't you?(hehe)
Third- Sunday my oldest was upstairs doing his homework and he heard a some what familiar sound from his past, one that he has not heard in at least 5 years. He came barreling down the stairs and said "give me some money, hurry, quick!" turns out the Ice-cream man had just passed and that 15yr old teen quickly became 8 again. He ran out the door with the other two following him. They had to run down the street a little but came back quickly with 3 very novel, quite expensive, probably been in the truck a while, ice-creams. The smiles that come after visiting that annoying musical truck are priceless. I am sure the ice-cream man thought it parculir that my oldest only had on shorts and my youngest had on shorts, a short sleeve shirt with a long sleeve shirt on top of it and of course one camoflauge glove. I do believe my middle one was dressed fairly normally. Needless to say I am glad they had to run a little down the street to catch the truck. Maybe just maybe no body saw them come from my house.(hehe)
Lastly, I am an avid reader of this blog. She has great decorative style and is very funny. I tried some, what she calls, window mistreatments in my bathroom. Very easy just material, glue gun, trim, and upholstery tacks. Just thought I'd share. I kind of like them. I might try to glue a liner on the back. Not sure yet.
Well, I do think I have posted plenty so to my faithful few that visit often sorry and to any new lurkers I hope I did not scare you off I usually don't post so much at one time.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Lots of trivial stuff
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
As my son, Chandler, tried to get in the car I locked the door, then unlocked it, thenlocked it again. This went on about 5 times before his teen-age self scrunched up his face and rather loudly demanded that I unlock the door and let him in. I was in a playful mood so as I let him in I just smiled which melted something in him and we both began to laugh out loud. What fun for me as those times of connection are few and far between right now during these teen years. As I backed out of the drive way I looked at him and was amazed at how big he is. I asked him when he had gotten so big to which he replied with an unamused "I dunno." I asked him if he remembered when he was little I would ask him "How big is Channie and then we'd both reply as I raised his hands in the air..."So Big" he did not have the foggiest idea what I was talking about and asked if he could please quit talking and listen to his i-pod. This little chat made me think of Mary and how the bible says she treasured up all of these things and pondered them in her heart right after the birth of Jesus. I began to tear up as I wondered if I have truly treasured the time I have had with my children or if I have been so caught up in the business of life I will have nothing to ponder in my heart in later years. As I looked at my teen-age son I soon realized that I do have a lot to ponder in my heart. God has been good enough to allow me to remember little moments that he and I shared together and still do even if it is only in a brief moment of silliness and a car door lock.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Fun, Fun, and more Fun!!/And a suprise award!
We have had another busy week around here. My sister, Debbie and my niece, Hannah along with my nephew, Andrew came to visit for the week. It was so fun having them here. It is really nice to see the kids playing and forming bonds with their cousins. They don't live too close so anytime we can see them it is exciting. We went to build a bear and of course when we saw the cute University of Memphis t-shirts for the bears we had to get them. That was a special treat from Aunt Debbie. We went to Chuckie Cheese then to the Merry-go-round at the Galleria which is always a fun fiasco because everyone wants to ride the dragon.:)
Saturday we watched with great anticipation as the Memphis Tigers played UCLA, what a game! There was a lot of cheering, loud cheering going on around here. My husband is very funny about watching the Tigers. He never wants people to be over while he watches because if they lose he will have to be a "fake entertainer" :) He likes it to just be our little family and we do have fun. My sister took this picture right before the game started. Dallas our Lab just had to be in the middle, she is so sweet. Our Jack Russell just barked the whole time in the back ground.
We went to the Memphis campus today and wow what a busy place. People searching for shirts and anything blue to support the Tigers in tomorrow nights championship game against Kansas.
My other sister, Sandy, is the crafty one in the family but Debbie and I saw this on another blog and gave it a try. It was so simple. These were for teacher appreciation day at our church today I actually had a great time making them.
We joined WW again for the umpteenth time and had a pretty good first week. David lost 7lbs and I lost 4.8 hopefully and prayfully we will maintain a losing pace and get this much unwanted weight off. We shall see!!
I have not been blog lurking or commenting for a little over a week now and I went to one of my favorites and saw she had passed an award to me. Thanks so much Paige I feel the same way. Now I would like to pass it on to Jessica and Kelly.
Hope you all have a fabulous Week!!