Not feeling too great right now but I wanted to post just a little.
Our last day of school is tomorrow. We did one program today and we will do one tomorrow then Yippe it's summertime!!! I will miss the kids I have taught. They each will take a piece of my heart with them. We have been practicing for the programs and handing out the little diplomas so I knew I would have to say the children's names over the microphone which is not easy for me to do then my director said "Don't forget you are supposed to say a little something before you announce the names" Uh Oh! Now if you are sitting criss cross applesauce and looking up at me I am just fine but an audience of ADULTS I am SCARED, Very SCARED! As I was thinking this morning about what I would say the words to this little poem came to me,(Thank you Lord) I thought I would share them. They pretty much sum up our year:
Star Days,
A Johnny Appleseed parade.
Letters learned,
Songs sung,
Bandaids put on more than one.
Noses wiped,
Shoes tied,
Lots of hugs when you cried.
Christmas and Easter parties to name a few
This year's been special because it's been spent
with you!
I shook during my entire time at the podium so I really can't remember what I said. I know I read the poem because I remember reading it but that's all I remember I just hope anything else I said made sense and lucky me I get to do the whole thing again tomorrow!!!!YIKES!!!!
On a really happy note, my nephew Adam suprised his mom, my sister in law, Saturday by just walking into her house unexpected. Now he has been in Iraq since October of 2007 and we all knew he was due to come home probably next week for R&R but he came a week early and we are all so excited to see him. This deployment has certainly changed him. He showed us pictures of Iraq where he is stationed and wow it is really sad to see how dirty some of the areas are. He will have to return in June but we are so thankful he is here now. Please keep him in your prayers as I know it will be hard for him to leave the family again.
As I was sitting here just blog lurking, not really commenting but lurking I kept hearing something but I was too lazy to check to see what it was. When I finally got up this is what I found courtesy of our Black Lab, Dallas. Well I guess Cameron won't be wearing those shoes to the program tomorrow... Oh Well typical he wants to wear flip flops anyway.:)
Did'nt I say I just wanted to post "a little"? Oh well I guess I got "a little" long winded.