Well last night my dh and oldest, Chandler arrived home from Chattanooga from the last weekend of premier league. We had to win the first game against the Huntsville Strikers to win the league and we ended up losing 2-0. It was a great game. The Huntsville team is very good. Chandler's team finished 2nd. The only way to qualify for regionals in July is to win premier league or State. We compete in State on the 9,10, and 11 of November. If we win State we go for sure. If we don't win then we hope that Hunstville will win their state because if they do they go to regionals as State winners and with us being second in premier league we get to take their first place spot and head to regionals ourselves. Was that clear as mud???? It has been a great run for our team and now they are just preparing for State. Chandler will also begin his Olympic Development training in about a month and do a couple of tournaments with that team and then for the first time in a long time he will only play on one team in the spring. His school team. In our State you cannot play on any other organized team of soccer if you are on the school team. It will be strange not traveling on weekends but it will be a nice break.
I just walked in from our Harvest party and Farm animal visit. The kids all got to feed the animals and hold a few of them. Last week it rained everyday so it was so nice to have a pretty sunny day for the children. Then we had our little harvest parties in our rooms. I was pretty hot and sweaty by the end of it all. Trying to run to each of my own children's rooms and then my own class's party it was pretty hectic. Maybe it is pre-menopause but even with the cool temps I am finding myself pretty hot lately and I'm not talking about my looks. (haha) Guess what?? I get to do the same thing tomorrow with the Tues/Thurs. class. Yeehaw!! It really was fun though and I with all the activities I did not even have to teach just coral them in.
We are trying to make changes around here to get the house on the market maybe in mid spring. I met with someone about getting new carpet in 2 rooms and hardwood in the living room so we are about to have that done soon as well as painting some rooms and probably new counter tops. It may look so nice I won't want to leave, who knows?
I don't get to blog as often as I would like but I still lurk around when I have the chance. Hope it is a God-centered week for all of you.
Another one from my late pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers,
"The most miserable man on Earth is not an unsaved man. The most miserable man on Earth is a saved man out of fellowship with Jesus Christ".
Monday, October 29, 2007
Soccer/Harvest Party
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad
Just want to wish a Happy Anniversary to my Mom and Dad. They have certainly taught me that you really do and can stick together for better or worse. By God's grace they have had 42 years together which is a real accomplishment in the times we live in. Hope you two have a wonderful day! (the picture is of them with my Grandmother and all the grandkids last Thanksgiving)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Aunt Debbie
Just want to shout out a big Happy Birthday to my sister, Debbie. This is a picture of her and her sweet family. We hope you have had a great day!!!
We just made it in from Alabama where my son's soccer team played the LA. teams. We came out with a win and a tie. It was a great time, great weather and I am glad to be home. The drive there was 5 and 1/2 hours which was the best since our schedules require so much movement and thought I really enjoyed just riding in the car and not having to think about anything. I was also glad to have my dh back in from Europe. He arrived late Friday evening and we were gone by early Saturday morning right after my middle son's local soccer game(they won). He is extremely tired but glad to be home as well. Thank you to those who prayed for us while he was gone.
Have a great week!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I know it has been a while and saying I am busy would be an understatement. Hubby has gone to Europe and I am trying to hold down the fort with work, school, soccer practices, games, and going away parties and it is only Wednesday. I am looking forward to his return on Friday. We will then leave for Alabama for a Soccer tournament. I am sure I am not the only one in the world who is busy but when you are in the midst of it it can sure seem like it. Oh and did I mention I am pmsing? Lucky for my husband because he is gone but my poor children. Satan is having a field day with me this week.
My nephew, Adam has made it overseas. He emailed us to let us know he made it. As the Lord leads please lift him and all the soldiers over there in prayer. We get caught up in our busy lives and forget there are a whole lot of families out there who are separated and are hurting.
I hope you all have a great day. I want to leave you with this:
Peace is not the subtraction of problems. It is the addition of power to meet those problems. (Dr.Adrian Rogers)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
WW update/Prayer Requests and a great give away
Just wanted to let you know about a 100th post give away. KJ is having one and has some great gifts to give. Hop on over there, take a peek, and be sure to leave a comment. She is trying to reach a personal goal of 100 comments, So even if you are not interested in the gifts please help her reach her goal.
Wanted to give you a WW update. My dh and I had to go weigh in today instead of tomorrow because of other obligations.
I lost 5.8 and he lost 5.6. Very exciting for both of us. You will notice that I am .2 ahead of him. Not bragging of course but I am basking in the lead right now because the weight just drops off him so I will not be ahead for long. (haha) It really is amazing what happens if you cut out daily Starbucks Carmel Fraps and Three Muskateers bars... Who Knew?? Hopefully we will be able to stay on program. So far it has not been to hard. I just have to remember... slow and steady wins the race. It is when I start having grand expectations that I fall of the WW Wagon so to speak.
Two things that have been prayer requests for us this week. My sweet brother in law Bruce lost his Mom this past Thursday. She was a wonderful Christian woman and a great mother. A very classy person who loved much and was loved by many. Her funeral is tomorrow. This same brother in law is sending his only son off to Iraq this Wed. my nephew Adam. I mentioned him several posts ago. His training is completed and he will fly out Wed. This will be hard on the whole family but especially Bruce and my sister in law Helene as they will be burying a beloved mother and sending a son off to war all within 4 days of each other. If the Lord should lead any of you to pray please do so.
I will leave you with something my pastor used to say....
If you please God, it doesn't matter whom you displease. If you displease God, it doesn't matter whom you please.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tag. I'm it.
I have been tagged by my sister with a meme that lists seven things you might not know about me. Now my family will know most of these but I will list them for those of you who don't know me very well. Here goes:
1. I used to twirl the baton in high school and College.( The Universtiy of Memphis)
I also taught the twirlers at the University for several years.
2. When I was growing up I loved The Brady Bunch and I wanted to be Marcia Brady.( embarassing huh?) Marcia, Marcia, Marcia....
3. I am scared to death of Frogs. YUK
4. I have had a lot of backed into wrecks. Me being the one who backed into at least 4 cars, most of which were parked in my driveway. Now when my family visits they only park on the street in front of my house. Wonder why??
5. I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
6. I started dating my husband when I was 15 and he was 17. We dated for 6 years but planned our wedding in 3 Weeks.
7. I too like my sisters love sweets. I would pull Little Debbies out of the front of the package rather than open the whole box. I had hoped my mom would think she got jipped and instead of 12 little debbies she only got 11. I guess it was a dead give away though when there would only be 6 in an original box of 12.:)
Thanks Sandy for tagging me. Stop by and read her answers as well as my sister Debbie's.
Not going to tag anyone in particular. If you want to play go right ahead but be sure to leave me a comment so I will know to come by and look at your answers.