I pulled open the curtains at our hotel and this was the view. Pretty huh??? Notso much.

I turned my head a little and this is what I saw. Beautiful. Huh? Very much so!

Sometimes just a little turn of the head can change our perspective can't it? I'd like to live with my head turned toward heaven. How bout you?

I turned my head a little and this is what I saw. Beautiful. Huh? Very much so!

Sometimes just a little turn of the head can change our perspective can't it? I'd like to live with my head turned toward heaven. How bout you?
My sister Sandy is participating in the One world one Heart giveaway go check it out...

This is so very true and, in fact, after my post from yesterday, God has given me somewhat of a new perspective on that as well. I plan to post it later today. Thanks for visiting my blog and always leaving me such encouraging words.
How very true. Life can be viewed in so many many ways...It's all in how we look at it.
Boy are you right! It's nice to hear from you Linda. I hope you're doing well.
You asked on my blog what I'm going to major in and I'm not sure at this point. I'm hoping I'll figure it out along the way. :-)
Wonderful lesson...sometimes God reminds us of these things through the world around us, doesn't He?
Hi there! I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the nice comment. I cant imagine living in a house with three boys. I have one and he is fun. I bet your house is full of laughter and noise and all things boys. How great is that!
Hey sis,
That is so TRUE!!!
Thanks for the shout out on my giveaway!
Love ya
Such truth!
What a wonderful post!...and one I needed to be reminded of...
Thanks for the birthday wishes on my blog!..I published all THREE!!!
(Yeah! I actually had 6 whole comments!!!:)...)
Perspective indeed!!! Hope you are well friend, Dawn
Wow - simple but true- not even a big change in view, a simple move can change everything about perspective.... great thought!
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